:: Kita turut gembira kerana punya bangunan sehebat KLIA... dengan warga yang belum mencapai 30 juta... dan hanya baru 44 tahun merdeka. Namun... sesuatu perlu kita renungi... kita fikir... dan mengambil tindakan di mana perlu... agar masalah yang dialami dapat dikurangkan walaupun tidak dapat dibanteras.
NST Online » Frontpage2007/10/15
First serious incident at KLIA
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KUALA LUMPUR: It marked the first serious security breach at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport but such mishaps are nothing new to Malaysian airports.
The highest number of security breaches at airports in the country was in 1993.The first involved a 16-year-old whose body was found in the wheel bay of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 747 which landed in Johannesburg, South Africa, on March 15, 1993.Investigations later revealed that Shamsul Ramli had climbed into the wheel bay of the aircraft which was parked at the Subang International Airport. Sixteen days later, a mental patient Mohamed Arif Salleh, 25, was caught sitting in an empty MAS Boeing 737-400 parked at Bay 20 of Terminal One in Subang.
The plane had earlier arrived from Penang.On April 8, 1993, Johari Kasmin, 25, was detained by a guard near the MAS clinic at the airport's Complex A after he hitched a ride on a van from Terminal Two.Two days later, Phuah Ang Huat, 38, was detained when he gave Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd guards and Customs officers the slip, dashing into a departure hall.Phuah, who claimed that he was on a mission from God, was detained by guards.On April 20, the same year, unemployed Chandrasekaran Karuppan, 37, was arrested after he ran into the baggage section of Terminal One at Subang.A week later, airport guards arrested shopkeeper Rahaman Saar V.A. Sultan for intrusion at the Penang International Airport departure lounge.In December 1994, an 18-year-old stowaway was found hiding in a plane at the airport in Subang.A week earlier, another teenager was found hiding beneath an aircraft at Terminal One. On March 11, 1995, Indonesian Hapsah Abdul Kadir was found on board a Malaysia Airlines flight bound for Kota Kinabalu without a boarding pass.
Red faces over 'phantom' stowaway