Friday, February 29, 2008
:: 100 tahun ke atas
8,666 pengundi berusia 100 ke atas
Oleh Shamshul Azree Samshir
PUTRAJAYA: Seramai 8,666 pengundi berusia 100 tahun ke atas tersenarai dalam Daftar Pemilih Induk (DPI) 2007 yang diwartakan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) pada 5 Februari lalu dan akan diguna pakai pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12. Pengundi berkenaan paling ramai didaftarkan di Sabah iaitu 2,096 orang; diikuti Sarawak (1,458); Johor (976); Perak (959); Selangor (549); Pulau Pinang (442); Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (367), Kedah (356) dan Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan (46). Setiausaha SPR, Datuk Kamaruzaman Mohd Noor, berkata SPR menerima pakai pendaftaran pemilih berkenaan kerana tiada pengesahan daripada agensi berkaitan bahawa mereka yang berusia lebih 100 tahun itu sudah meninggal dunia.
Beliau juga menjelaskan, nama pengundi yang meninggal dunia selepas daftar pemilih disahkan, akan tetap tersenarai sehingga dikeluarkan selepas tamat suku pertama 2008 pada 31 Mac ini dan dipamerkan April depan.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
:: Lada... chilly... cabai
:: Maruah diri diketepi

:: Macam tak percaya je...

SHAH ALAM: Altantuya Shaariibuu yang ditemui mati dalam keadaan berkecai di kawasan belukar di sini pada November 2006 berkemungkinan tidak berpakaian ketika diletupkan kerana tiada cebisan pakaian dijumpai di tempat kejadian, kata perunding forensik, Dr Mohd Shah Mahmood pada perbicaraan kes pembunuhan wanita Mongolia itu.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
:: Showing off

Tunjuk tidak sama makna dan maksud... dengan menunjuk-nunjuk.
Menunjuk-nunjuk... mungkin membawa maksud... gemar memperlihatkan kelebihan diri sendiri.
Kekadang tu... kelebihan diri yang diperlihatkan itu mungkin sememangnya merupakan suatu kelebihan... tetapi kekadang tu pulak... adalah sebaliknya... seperti kisah di atas tu...
:: Berani dan gigih

:: Simpati... rezeki

Seorang rakan kita ni... dengan bermodalkan bekas plastik dan kecacatan yang dimiliki... memohon simpati... agar beroleh rezeki... hatta perlu mengenepikan maruah diri...
:: Kebinatangan... kemanusiaan

Rakannya terkorban barangkali... cuba dikuis bertujuan menggerakkannya... dan kejadian berlaku di tengah2 kesibukan lalu lintas. Lantas... kenderaan meminggir ke tepi... memperlihatkan simpati...

Manusia lain yang mungkin terpegun menyaksikan gelagat binatang yang punya tahap kebinatangan yang tinggi... lantas merakam kejadian... sebagai bahan koleksi dan untuk tatapan masa depan...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
:: US - Prisoners of war

China 'to open records' on US POWs
China has agreed to grant the US access to its military records which might help resolve the fate of thousands of US soldiers who had gone missing during the Korean War and other Cold War-era conflicts, US defence officials say.
The deal is expected to be publicly announced on Friday after final talks to work out details, the Pentagon said.
Washington has been asking China to open up military archives that it believes could help trace more than 8,100 American soldiers who went missing in action (MIA) or were taken as prisoners of war (POW) during the Korean War.
There have been questions about China having taken soldiers from POW camps to undeclared detention sites inside China.
Larry Greer, spokesman for the Pentagon's POW-MIA affairs, said officials were working out details such as the frequency and volume of the document searches as well as expenses before announcing a final decision on Friday.
But the deal - at least initially - will not give US researchers direct access to China's military records, Greer said.
Chinese archivists with security clearances approved by the People's Liberation Army will do the document searches before turning over relevant records to US analysts.
Still, the "joint archival effort is expected to open more avenues of research to enable US specialists to narrow their searches for the specific locations where American remains may be buried", Greer said.
China has consistently maintained that all POW questions were settled at the end of the war, but nearly every US administration since then has pressed Beijing to provide information on missing soldiers.
'Positive step'
Peter Rodman, who handled the issue with the Chinese when Donald Rumsfeld was defence secretary, told The Associated Press that the agreement was a positive step.
He said the move could answer lingering questions the families of missing soldiers have had for decades.
"It has special meaning to our military," said the senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Declassified US Army records from the 1950s show that the US knew of and were tracking hundreds of American POWs in China during the Korean War.
Between 1996 and 2005, the US conducted DNA and forensics analysis to identify the remains of many of the missing soldiers excavated from various sites in North Korea.
But in May 2005 the Pentagon suspended that co-operative effort, saying the North Koreans had created an unsafe environment for US search teams.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
:: Minda Mufti: PRU 12

Sudah beberapa hari Parlimen kita dibubarkan. Teka-teki tarikh pilihanraya sudah berhenti. Apa yang sedang panas diperkatakan adalah teka-teki siapa calon-calon yang bakal ditempatkan oleh pertubuhan-pertubuhan politik yang akan bertanding.
:: Check-in luggage on MAS

“This new safety measure will reduce the exposure of our teams to manual handling injuries as a result of lifting extremely heavy luggage during check-in and at the baggage-handling area,” said the airline’s senior general manager of airport operations Yusop Jaridi.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
:: Arabs were defeated

Why the Arabs were defeated
Dina Abdel-Mageed in Cairo
Jewish immigration to Palestine between 1933 and 1939 resulted in widespread domestic unrest that culminated in a number of violent incidents involving Jews and Arabs. The situation was further exacerbated when despite Arab rejection, the United Nations approved a plan to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states on November 29, 1947. While preparing for their withdrawal, the British paid little attention to the turmoil to which Palestine had fallen prey. On May 14, 1948, General Alan Cunningham, the last British high commissioner, left what was known then as the mandate of Palestine.
John Marlowe wrote of the last few minutes of British rule in the book, The Seat of Pilate: "The Union Jack was lowered and with the speed of an execution and the silence of a ship that passes in the night British rule in Palestine came to an end."
On the same day, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, announced the independence of the state of Israel, established on the land granted to the Jews by the Partition Plan.
Mobilised for defeat
Within a day, forces from the armies of several Arab countries, including Egypt and Transjordan, attacked the new state of Israel. Underestimating the power of the fledgling state, Arab rulers thought they were heading towards an easy victory that would quiet post-World War II domestic unrest and - perhaps - gain them more territory.
"The advisors to President Quwatli and King Farouq, for example, were telling them that this will be a piece of cake for the Syrians and Egyptians [respectively]," Sami Moubayed, a Syrian political analyst and author of Shukri al-Qawatli's biography, The George Washington of Syria, said.
The scenario of defeating defenceless Israel turned out to be a far-fetched one. The forces of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Transjordan suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Israeli military which was a combination of Jewish militias, such as the right-wing Irgun Tzvei Le'umi and the more extreme Stern Gang.
The reasons behind the crushing defeat are still the subjects of many heated debates. Radwan al-Sayyid, a Lebanese political thinker, told Al Jazeera that there was not enough awareness among Arabs that an ill-timed and poorly-executed military campaign could end up totally losing Palestine.
"The Jews, who constituted only around 20-25 per cent of the population, were not perceived as a serious threat by most of the Arabs," he said.
Disunited, Arabs fall
Another factor that contributed to the 1948 defeat was inter-Arab political rivalries. While Arab leaders claimed to be fighting for Palestine, they were also engaged in a war of interests in which the warring parties had different agendas and often conflicting goals.
Arthur Goldschmidt Jr, a professor emeritus of Middle East history at Pennsylvania State University, says these rivalries altered the course of the war.
"Notably the rivalry between the Jordanians, with their British-officered Arab Legion and King Abdullah's ambitions for a Greater Syria, and the Egyptians, with King Farouk's ambition to lead the Arab World, backed to some degree by the League of Arab States and by the former mufti of Jerusalem," he said.
Goldschmidt, who is co-author of A Concise History of the Middle East, said Iraq tended to support Transjordan while Saudi Arabia sided with Egypt, pointing out that "[it] is not clear who really looked out for the Palestinian Arabs".
Some historical reports even mention a secret deal between Transjordan's King Abdullah and the Jews in which he was offered the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem.
Al-Sayyid said: "During the course of the war, the Arab Legion did not advance beyond the regions the Israelis had given Abdullah under the deal."
Not collective defeat
Moubayed, however, argues that the war should not be seen as a single collective defeat.
"Speaking from a Syrian perspective, the Syrian Army was not defeated. They performed with flying colours during the early stages of the war," he told Al Jazeera.
"Also in the initial stages, the Egyptians took Gaza and raised their flag over Khan Yunis."
But soon enough, instead of fighting against the Jewish state, Arab leaders fought against each other for land and glory.
"The rivalries were a major problem because they resulted in poor command, lack of transparency, and ultimately, failure," Moubayed said.
He considers the first armistice, which gave the Israelis time to re-organise themselves, and the secret deal between King Abdullah and Golda Meir, the iconic Israeli prime minister, as major setbacks that turned the course of events in favour of Israel.
Negligence, corruption, scandal
But the Arabs also exhibited negligent underestimation of the abilities of the Jewish militias in in Palestine. Perhaps, the military campaigns were never taken seriously enough by Arab leaders and as a result, a small number of poorly-equipped Arab forces were sent to the battlefield.
"The Jews were superior in numbers and equipment," Al-Sayyid said.
The Egyptian military also alleged that they were supplied with deficient weapons by their own government.
But, Moubayed argues that "it was actually the souls that were corrupted, more so than the weapons".
Unlike the Arabs, the Israelis were well-prepared and well-organised and had many experienced fighters who had served in units of the British Army during World War II.
"Some [Israelis], like Moshe Dayan, had seen service on behalf of Britain in World War II. There were also volunteers, mostly Jewish, but some Gentiles also, who came to Israel's aid and had gained training and experience in the Allied forces during World War II," Goldschmidt said.
The Israeli victory in 1948 can also be attributed to the international support Israel received, notably the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which the British promised to support the Zionist cause of establishing a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.
The UN Partition Plan, which passed in the General Assembly, was approved by both the US and the USSR.
"The 1948 war occurred before the start of the Cold War, and world powers together with other small countries were for the establishment of a Jewish state," Al-Sayyid said, mentioning the example of the USSR pressuring Czechoslovakia to send weapons to the Israelis during the war.
Moubayed also expressed a similar viewpoint, citing Harry Truman's alleged response when he was asked about the reason behind his support for Israel: "Because there is no Arab constituency in Washington."
The Nakba
But some historians say the importance of international support has been overstated.
Khalid Al-Dekhil, a Saudi analyst and political science professor, said: "This factor [international intervention] is always there. Israelis were smart enough to make use of it. Why did not Arabs do the same?"
In his book Ma'na al-Nakba (The Meaning of the Catastrophe), Constantine Zurayq, a prominent thinker, considered the Arab battlefield losses and their political impotence to be signs of a "civilisational defeat".
Al-Dekhil believes that the 1948 defeat was truly a civilisational defeat because military weakness was only a reflection of an overall state of decay.
Al Sayyid, however, argues against Zurayq's analysis, attributing the defeat only to the lack of preparation, organisation and coordination between the handful of independent Arab states.
Regardless of the accuracy of Zurayq's analysis, the name he gave to the 1948 defeat - al-Nakba - is still used today to refer to the humiliating defeat that shaped the Middle East forever.
Source: Al Jazeera
:: Sejarah dan kebahagiaan

Friday, February 22, 2008
:: Kisah lama
:: Heart attack

:: Menu
Thursday, February 21, 2008
:: Mengundang penyakit

Minuman jika cukup manisnya... siap hingga berteko2 dalam sehari semalam... emmm... tak lamalah jawabnya... kencing manispun datang tanpa dipelawa... tambah2nya jika susur galur kita punya sejarah bab "manis2" ini...
:: Ikut jejak bapa

‘Norah will win Tanjong Manis’ By Anthony Aga
SARIKEI: Assistant Minister of Tourism and Youth Affairs Hamden Ahmad said he was confident that the Barisan Nasional would win convincingly in Tanjong Manis this election. But judging by the growing unity among the constituents in the BN spirit, he saw the possibility of the BN candidate getting the seat uncontested.
The fact that the BN candidate is Norah Tun Abdul Rahman (pictured left) – daughter of a former head of State and chief minister, Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub - is not an issue as she was chosen based on her own merits and capability, he said while officiating at the soft opening of the local office of Sarawak Special Affairs Department (Jasa) at Lot 23A, 2nd Floor, Getah Road Tuesday evening.
Hamden based his prediction on the last State election when he garner over 4,000 votes against 700 obtained by his opponent in the area. Moreover, the previous BN candidate who contested the seat formerly known as Kuala Rajang was returned unopposed. Despite his optimism, Hamden reminded the constituents not to be over-confident or complacent, but to be prepared at all times.
He said there were no big issues which the opposition could latch on to their advantage, but conceded that they could harp on the fuel price hike to confuse the people and win their sympathy.
:: Belum meletus
Perang poster belum meletus di Sarawak
Oleh Misiah Taib
Pemasangan poster dan sepanduk di kawasan pilihan raya di negeri ini selalunya hanya dibuat pada malam menjelang hari penamaan calon atau selepas hari penamaan calon dan jumlahnya juga tidaklah semeriah seperti pemasangan bahan kempen di Semenanjung. Bahkan pada pilihan raya Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sarawak yang diadakan berasingan dengan Semenanjung dan Sabah, senario tetap sama. Pengarah Pilihan Raya Negeri, Takun @ Takon Sunggah dan Ketua Polis Sarawak, Deputi Komisioner Mohmad Salleh, nyata berpuas hati dengan kerjasama semua parti politik di Sarawak setakat ini, khususnya dari segi berkempen.
Bukan saja tidak ada kejadian menampal poster dan sepanduk di tempat tidak dibenarkan dilaporkan berlaku setakat ini, malah tiada aduan berkaitan kempen menjelang pilihan raya diterima sehingga semalam. Polis Sarawak juga belum menerima sebarang permohonan untuk mengadakan ceramah politik sehingga semalam dan permohonan dijangka hanya akan dikemukakan oleh parti atau calon yang bertanding selepas hari penamaan calon. Seramai 912,454 pemilih berdaftar di Sarawak akan mengundi pada pilihan raya umum kali ini, termasuk 16,354 pengundi pos. Parlimen Stampin mempunyai jumlah pengundi teramai iaitu 67,257 orang, manakala Parlimen Lawas menyaksikan pengundi paling sedikit iaitu 15,717 orang.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
:: Flag wars

:: Betulkah...

KUCHING: Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib, dijangka bertanding kerusi Parlimen Kota Samarahan, dalam pilihan raya umum 8 Mac ini menggantikan bapanya, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud yang dikatakan tidak akan mempertahankan kerusi yang disandangnya sejak hampir 41 tahun. [+]
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
:: Fake MyKad

:: Teater bangsawan

KUALA LUMPUR: Pengamal undang-undang berkewajipan mempertahankan kedaulatan sistem kehakiman negara dan menjadikan diri mereka teladan kepada orang ramai, titah Pemangku Raja Perak Raja Nazrin Shah. selengkapnya
:: Castro resigns

Castro, 81, and with a stomach illness, had temporarily handed power over to his brother 19 months ago, but Tuesday's statement indicates he will not attempt to retake the leadership. A statement by Castro published on the newspaper's website read: "I neither will aspire to nor will I accept, the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief.
His stepping down is likely to be welcomed by the US, although most Cubans have known no other leader. Castro's statement comes five days before the country's national assembly session in which he was up for re-election for another five-year mandate.
"It would betray my conscience to take up a responsibility that requires mobility and total devotion, that I am not in physical condition to offer," Castro wrote.
Al Jazeera's correspondent Gabriel Elizondo reported that, even though Castro's announcement was expected, his resignation is a "final turning over of power".
Speaking from Sao Paulo, Brazil, he said that the iconic revolutionary commander has generally been viewed as a "real leader" in the Americas and carries a prominent legacy with him.
The assembly is likely to nominate Raul, Castro's brother, as president when it meets on February 24. Castro has not appeared in public since 2006. Socialist iconCastro's retirement brings an end to a political career that survived the Cold war, assassination attempts by the CIA, nine US presidents and the breakup of the Soviet Union.
Profile: Fidel Castro
He came to power in 1959 in a Communist revolution that overthrew the then president Fulgenico Bautista. He became an icon of socialism and a staunch opponent of the US which led to a crippling political and economic blockade of the Caribbean island. Al Jazeera's correspondent David Hawkins said the US would welcome the permanent departure from power of Castro, but with Raul in position, relations between the two countries will remain severed.
"Castro is a living piece of history while his brother Raul does not have his same stature," Hawkins said. Castro is admired in the developing world for standing up to the US, but is accused by his opponents of suppressing freedom.
Source: Al jazeera and agencies
Cubans vote as Castro remains ill (20 Jan 2008)
Castro: I'm too ill for public life (16 Jan 2008)
Fidel Castro 'getting healthier' (25 Dec 2007)
Castro hints at stepping aside (18 Dec 2007)
Opposition leads in Pakistan polls
DNA tests on Bali bomb suspect
Rice calls for Kenya power-sharing
Nations split over Kosovo's status
UK releases secret Iraq WMD file
Former president Bush backs McCain
Many killed in Guyana raid
Peru roads blocked in trade protest
Trinidad to extradite US 'plotters'
US agency orders beef recall
:: Sedarah sedaging
Monday, February 18, 2008
:: Review on English
Review on English use in teaching Science and Mathematics after in-depth study
The review, however, will be made after an in-depth study on the effectiveness of English in teaching the two subjects, he said in a dialogue with the Chinese community here today.“Not only the Chinese have requested it, the Malays have also asked for it. So, we are doing it for both. Now, the two subjects are being taught in English and it has to continue for a certain period, only then it will be studied and reviewed,” he said.The Education Ministry has been using English as a medium of instruction in teaching Science and Mathematics since 2003.On the shortage of teachers at Chinese vernacular schools, Abdullah said the matter had been discussed by the Cabinet. “We need more people to train teachers for the Chinese vernacular schools and this is being sorted out,” he said.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
:: Bacalah

SAYA selalu menyebutkan bahawa berdasarkan nilai, industri buku negara lebih kecil daripada industri ayam pedaging (broiler chicken). Hari ini nilai industri buku negara dikatakan RM1.5 bilion setahun tetapi angka itu banyak dipertikaikan oleh mereka yang terbabit dalam industri sendiri. Apa yang kita tahu industri ayam pedaging melebihi RM2 bilion di negara ini. Tambahan pula industri buku di negara ini banyak tertumpu pada buku yang berkaitan dengan sekolah. Hanya 30 peratus jumlah penerbitan buku di negara ini buku bacaan umum. [+]
:: Kek untuk Angriani

kek tu disusun atur sedemikian... banyak jenisnya... pelbagai rupa dan warna... itu yang menjadikan para peminat kek ni rambang mata... menjadikan memasing sedikit sukar membuat pilihan... itulah sebabnya dihiris siap2... silakan menjamahnya... silakan...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
:: Jumpa PakLang
:: Di rantau
:: Yakinlah

Friday, February 15, 2008
:: PRU ke-12
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
:: Kenapa ditukar...
87 Nama jalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris ditukar ke nama Bahasa Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR: Sejumlah 87 nama jalan yang menggunakan bahasa Inggeris di kawasan Jinjang di sini telah ditukar kepada nama bahasa Malaysia sejak 3 Okt lepas bagi memartabatkan bahasa kebangsaan.
Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) dalam satu kenyataan hari ini berkata sungguhpun pertukaran itu sudah berkuatkuasa, nama lama masih dikekalkan di bawah papan tanda nama baru bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan.
Jurucakap DBKL yang dihubungi berkata penduduk kawasan terbabit tidak perlu menukar alamat di kad pengenalan masing-masing walaupun nama jalan sudah berubah namun bagi pendaftaran kelahiran, alamat perlu menggunakan nama baru jalan.
Jalan-jalan yang terlibat dalam pertukaran itu:
Main Street yang ditukar kepada Jalan Jinjang Utama, East Fence Street (Jalan Benteng Timor), North Fence Road (Jalan Benteng Utara), West Fence Street (Jalan Benteng Barat), River Road South (Jalan Tebing Selatan) dan East Road (Jalan Tebing Timor).
Manakala Garden Street ditukar kepada Jalan Jinjang Indah, East Road 3 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 1), East Road 1 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 2), East Road 4 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 3), East Road 5 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 4), East Road 7 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 5), East Street 13 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 6), East Street 14 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 7), East Street 5 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 8), Segambut Road (Jalan Jinjang Indah 9), East Road 8 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 10), School Lane (Jalan Jinjang Indah 11), East Road 10 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 12), East Road 9 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 13), East Road 11 (Jalan Jinjang Indah 14) dan East Street (Jalan Jinjang Indah 15).
Theatre Road ditukar kepada Jalan Jinjang Aman, Market Road (Jalan Jinjang Aman 1), Club Road (Jalan Jinjang Aman 2), Padang Street (Jalan Jinjang Aman 3), West Street (Jalan Jinjang Aman 4), West Road (Jalan Jinjang Aman 5), East Road 1 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 6), East Road 3 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 7), East Road (Jalan Jinjang Aman 8), West Road 5 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 9), West Road 6 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 10), West Road 3 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 11), jalan tanpa nama 1 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 12), jalan tanpa nama 2 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 13), jalan tanpa nama 3 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 14), jalan tanpa nama 4 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 15) dan Jalan 2/15 (Jalan Jinjang Aman 16).
River Road North ditukar kepada Jalan Jinjang Damai, Ulu Klang Street (Jalan Jinjang Damai 1), East Road 14 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 2), East Street 10 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 3), East Street 7 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 4), Cheras Street (Jalan Jinjang Damai 5), East Road 15 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 6), Temple Road (sebahagian) (Jalan Jinjang Damai 7), East Road 16 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 8), East Road 17 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 9), Ming Chong Road (lokasi 50) (Jalan Jinjang Damai 10), East Road 12 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 11), jalan tanpa nama (Jalan Jinjang Damai 12) dan East Road 18 (Jalan Jinjang Damai 13).
Tanjung Malim Street ditukar kepada Jalan Jinjang Murni, West Road 7 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 1), West Road 9 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 2), Tample Road (Jalan Jinjang Murni 3), West Road 10 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 4), West Road 12 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 5), Ming Chong Road (lokasi 60) (Jalan Jinjang Murni 6), West Street 3 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 7), West Road 11 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 8), West Road 8 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 9), West Road 12A (Jalan Jinjang Murni 10), West Road 13 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 11), jalan tanpa nama (Jalan Jinjang Murni 12), West Road 14 (Jalan Jinjang Murni 13) dan West Road 8A (Jalan Jinjang Murni 14).
Selangor Street ditukar kepada Jalan Jinjang Permai, Little East Street (Jalan Jinjang Permai 1), East Road 1 (Jalan Jinjang Permai 2), East Fence Road (Jalan Jinjang Permai 3), East Road 2 (Jalan Jinjang Permai 4), East Street 6 (Jalan Jinjang Permai 5), Jinjang Timor 1 (Jalan Jinjang Permai 6), East Road 6 (Jalan Jinjang Permai 7), Min Keong Street (Jalan Jinjang Permai 8), Segambut Road (Jalan Jinjang Permai 9) dan East Street 7 (Jalan Jinjang Permai 10).
Jalan 1/16 ditukar kepada Jalan Jinjang Setia, Jalan 2/16 (Jalan Jinjang Setia 1), Jalan 3/16 (Jalan Jinjang Setia 2), Jalan 4/16 (Jalan Jinjang Setia 3), Jalan 5/16 (Jalan Jinjang Setia 4), Jalan 6/16 (Jalan Jinjang Setia 5), Jalan 7/16 (Jalan Jinjang Setia 6) dan Jalan 8/16 (Jalan Jinjang Setia 7).
:: Terukkah guru ni...