Saturday, August 20, 2011

:: SMS palsu...bulan mengelilingi kaabah pada pagi sabtu...20.08.2011 ?

Ramai yang telah menerima mesej berkaitan bulan akan mengelilingi kaabah pada 20.08.2011...jam 08.25 pagi waktu Malaysia. Ada versi bahasa Melayu dan ada versi bahasa Inggeris.

Seseorang...telah menghantar mesej pada jam 07.50 pagi ini...


From Dato' Mazlan, Head of Astrology Dept. UiTM,

This morning, 20th August 2011 at 3.25am (Mecca Time) the moon will circle around the Kaabah this will have an effect on the sky. The sky will have blue light. This will be the time of acceptance of prayers. This phenomens happens every ten million years only.

3.25am Mecca Time is 8.25am Malaysian Time.

Please inform everybody by passing this SMS to them - Subhanallah - TQVM.

dan seorang lagi menghantar pada jam 04.04 pagi tadi... yang kandungan mesejnya hampir sama... sedikit berbeza.

Drpd dato mazlan astrology.
Tonight at 3.25am mecca time the moon will circle around the Kaabah this will have an effect on the sky. The sky will have blue light. This will be the time of acceptance of prayers. This is happening after ten million years. Pls inform everybody by passing this. 3.25am mecca time. Malaysia time will be 8.25am.