Sunday, July 20, 2008

:: Gambar menarik... anda mentafsir...

‘Exclusive’ signboard
by Santh Meera Bin Bagoor
This says it all - that only VVIPs and VIPs can make the turn.
Seen this somewhere?

Taking the back door
by Lee Pei Ting
Wonder why the girls are not using the main gate to school. Late perhaps?
Seen this somewhere?

Fire hydrant leakage
by Chan Kok Khuen
I took this photo on the way from Sungei Way. With the rising cost of living, this is a waste of water.
Seen this somewhere?

Careless development
by Zakaria Razalli
The owner of the houses in Sungai Sering Bukit Antarabangsa must be having sleepness nights. The slope is cut to make way for a main road without any measures taken to ensure safety.
Seen this somewhere?

A tree without leaves
by Mohammad Rizal Mat Baharin

It is puzzling how this papaya tree can bear fuits without leaves.
Seen this somewhere?